Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yes is a Character Flaw

I am a Yes Woman, a people pleaser. I can quickly become a doormat. I give too much. I must surround myself with honest and loyal friends, ones who will not take advantage of me. I live in fear of rejection and inadequacy. Won't you love me? Validate me? Accept me? Make me feel special? Can't I feel valuable? I just want to belong. I will do whatever you ask, jump at the chance to please you. I cower in confrontation, lose my nerve, lose my tongue. I settle for less, I am weak. Where is my backbone? My confidence? How did I become so afraid and insecure? I want to stand tall, feet firmly planted. I want to say no and not feel anxiety about it. And I want you to love me for saying no. Respect my boundaries, appreciate my resolve. I want my own opinion. I need to get off of these coat tails. How could this happen? I always considered myself brave and independent. Why does approval mean so much to me? When did I become such a peon? I must pick myself up, dust myself off. Find the source of the problem, I must make changes, get my spine back! I must say NO!
But what if I'm not likable? Embraceable? What if you no longer like me? What if I am alone? What then?

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