Friday, November 27, 2009

Ode to Vampire

In another time, I might have been yours.
A breath, a bite, a heartbeat,
I would have given you my last.
Somewhere else, another place, in a different world,
We may have loved.
You could have had all of me.
You would have drank me, tasted me, possessed me.
Here and now, I cannot touch you or feel you,
Yet you still drain me.
How do you consume me, my thoughts, my dreams,
My soul?
Today I am haunted by your shadows, your suggestions,
The ghosts of possibilities.
Like the demon dogs you would send to corner me,
Regrets of yesterdays nip at my heels.
I am tormented,
Taunted by your unattainable kiss.
I reach for you, I seek you, I summon you,
I cannot have you.
I am alone, with only my reflection.
In another life,
You and I would have been eternal.


  1. that is beautiful.... very nicely written.... you just keep getting better and better... keep it up chica..

  2. Seems to be the big thing. Pesky vampires. Nice poem girlie. =)
