In another time, I might have been yours.
A breath, a bite, a heartbeat,
I would have given you my last.
Somewhere else, another place, in a different world,
We may have loved.
You could have had all of me.
You would have drank me, tasted me, possessed me.
Here and now, I cannot touch you or feel you,
Yet you still drain me.
How do you consume me, my thoughts, my dreams,
My soul?
Today I am haunted by your shadows, your suggestions,
The ghosts of possibilities.
Like the demon dogs you would send to corner me,
Regrets of yesterdays nip at my heels.
I am tormented,
Taunted by your unattainable kiss.
I reach for you, I seek you, I summon you,
I cannot have you.
I am alone, with only my reflection.
In another life,
You and I would have been eternal.