Saturday, August 1, 2009


I have seen you.
I have seen the beauty of you.
I married your beauty.
I know it lies in there, the purest, kindest, happiest beauty.
Darling you got lost.
Remember Seattle?
Our day and then our dinner?
We had such a great time.
But there were times when you were distant.
After dinner while waiting for the shuttle I longed for you to warm me, to hold me.
Where were you?
I wanted your arms around me.
I have yearned for your presence in body and mind for too long.
I see your love, I feel your love, I know your love is there.
I beg of you, conquer what you must, but come back to me.
Return to me renewed, tap into that love for us, for it comes back two fold.
Hurry my love, I have missed you.


  1. that is beautiful!! I always figured there was a romantic hidden behind that smile. you have provided me with proof... I love it. :)

  2. Hi there, I hope you don't mind me checking in on you every now and then. Great poetry. Serious wowism.

  3. Thank you! No, I don't mind at all! Never really had any feedback on my scribblings, thanks! It's super!
